Senior Shout Out!


Violet Craghead-Way (she/her) is a graduating senior at Charlottesville High School. She is so grateful for her time with Cadence, where she performed in both Fun Home and 13: the Musical and has taken classes with the TRAIN college prep program. She will be performing in Heathers at Live Arts in Charlottesville this summer, and she will attend Syracuse University’s BFA Acting program in the fall!

Thomas Disharoon (he/him) enjoyed years of TRAIN, TRAIN EXPRESS, and High School Prep at Cadence. He was Zeke Baylor in High School Musical, Doofus in Snow Angel, Mr Greenway in Elf, Ensemble in Grease and Phillip Dubois and Father Roger Schmidt in The Laramie Project. For the next four years, he will be taking his Singing, Acting, and Dancing Talents to Virginia Tech. 

Marcus Dowd (he/him) is a senior from Stafford, Virginia. He was part of TRAIN starting in seventh grade and has been involved in Cadence projects like 13: The Musical, Kdents TV, and Bloodlines as well as continuing TRAIN, the college prep program. He is going to study Theatre at Northwestern University. Thanks to Cadence for helping him grow as an artist and introducing him to his future roommate all those years ago! 

Brenna Duffy (she/her) is so excited that Carrie: The Musical is her final show with Cadence. She has loved her time with Cadence, and has learned so much as a performer. Brenna will be attending James Madison University in the fall, and majoring in Musical Theatre. 

Caroline Grabill (she/her) is planning to attend James Madison University in the fall! She has previously been involved in Cadence’s productions of Heathers: The Musical, Annie JR, and Carrie: The Musical, as well as participating in the TRAIN college prep program.

Dana Johannsen (she/her) has been involved with Cadence since middle school, participating in TRAIN for three years and performing in High School Musical Jr., Snow Angel, and The Laramie Project. This summer, she is working as a camp counselor, and in the fall she will be heading to UVA to pursue a degree in Environmental Science and French. She is so grateful for all of the opportunities Cadence has provided her throughout the past six years!

Caroline Emily Johnson (she/her) has grown up with Cadence, having participated in 13: The Musical, Appropriate, Annie JR, As You Like It, Heathers: The Musical, Grease, the Cadence Cabaret, and various summer camps. Cadence film work includes Bloodlines. Of course, TRAIN has made a lifelong impact on her life and journey as an artist! This summer she is excited to join the cast and production team of Carrie: The Musical and will be playing Young Grace in the independent horror film, The Slasher Nurse. This fall, Caroline will be headed to Missouri State University (BFA Acting and BS Dance) and will minor in Spanish.

Emma McClain (she/her) has been doing productions with Cadence since 2019, including 13: The Musical (Molly), Annie JR (Star-To-Be), and Heathers: The Musical (Veronica). She is so excited and honored to be attending Boston Conservatory at Berklee to pursue her BFA in musical theatre! This summer, she will be playing Sue Snell in Cadence’s production of Carrie: The Musical and is so grateful for the past four years!  

Ellie McNally (she/her) will be attending James Madison University in the fall, studying Theatre with a concentration in performance. She will also be minoring in Dance and is excited to hopefully join an a capella group. She will be playing Chris in Carrie: The Musical this summer, her third performance with Cadence (previously seen in Heathers: The Musical and Annie JR). 

Rowan Sharma (he/him) has loved exploring the arts with Cadence in past productions including Elf Jr., High School Musical, Heathers and a Cadence Cabaret. He has interned with Cadence this past spring, and will be continuing to study theatre at Northwestern University this fall. He cannot wait to continue to grow as an artist and would love to thank his family and mentors for helping guide him towards pursuing a degree in the arts!

Bridget Sindelar (she/her) has been involved with Cadence since her freshman year of high school, joining the KdentsTV team after being in 13: The Musical at Cadence. This summer, she will be one of the Carrie’s in Carrie: The Musical at Cadence before heading off to Montclair State University to major in Musical Theatre. Bridget is so thankful to Cadence, Laine, and Anna for the support and opportunities they have given her!

Eddie Williams (he/him) has enjoyed his brief but wonderful experience with Cadence through his roles as Bottom in Midsummer Night's Dream and Rooster in Annie JR. Over the summer, he hopes to catch up on some reading, cleaning, and sleeping. He will study history at William & Mary and the University of St. Andrews.

Dylan Stukenberg (he/him) has been a part of TRAIN, Snow Angel and is attending Shenandoah Conservatory for Musical Theatre in the fall. 

Lucy Caudle (she/they) has been a part of TRAIN and Cadence’s The Laramie Project and will be attending William & Mary in the fall. 

Carson Nealy (she/they) has been a part of TRAIN, Cadence’s The Laramie Project and High School Musical and a graduate of Thomas Dale High School. They will be attending VCU in the fall for journalism.

El Markee (all pronouns) has been a part of TRAIN, Cadence’s As You Like It and is currently serving as Assistant Director for Carrie: the Musical this summer. 

Skye Shannon